Our Services
We build portfolios tailored to desired investment objectives with the goal of helping families work towards financial freedom for today, tomorrow and into the future.
We focus on helping clients choose the right mix of equity and fixed income (stock and bond) securities designed to meet their needs for the accumulation of wealth and for income. We work closely with clients to understand their objectives and tolerance for risk. Then, we discuss the individual securities that might make a good addition to an investment portfolio, along with whether the client is buying to hold for the long term, to trade when profit opportunities occur, or to adjust the portfolio to limit potential losses if the price goes down on individual securities or within a particular industry sector.
Our personal experience, close attention to the markets and access to D.A. Davidson and third-party research help us offer timely and informed guidance on securities investments that target long-term goals for financial success.
Rich Concepts Investment Group’s
Client Service Guidelines:
Building a successful relationship
As we develop a comprehensive financial strategy designed to help you achieve your financial
goals, your input is critical. We anticipate working closely with you. We believe working together
is essential to effective investment planning. To this end, we both need to make your investment
strategies a priority.
We will:
• Treat you with honesty, respect and dignity.
• Develop a plan suited to your objectives.
• Explain investments before asking you for a decision.
• Serve you, putting your interests first.
• Be a resource for all your financial questions.
• Meet with you regularly to review your needs.
• Keep you updated.
• Keep your information confidential.
• Explain the implications of any strategies.
• Strive to understand your goals, risk tolerance and timeframe.
• Value your business.
• Take seriously the safety and security of your investments.
• Be prompt and prepared for our meetings.
• Return your calls.
You will:
• Take your financial future seriously.
• Determine specific financial goals you want to reach.
• Take a long-term perspective toward achieving your goals.
• Notify us of life changes.
• Understand market fluctuations are a normal part of investing.
• Help us understand your financial situation so we may better serve you.
Mutual responsibilities. Together we agree to:
• Keep each other informed of any new developments that might affect these strategies.
• Meet to review your investment plan and be prepared for those meetings.
Together we can build an effective,
long-term working relationship.
Rich Concepts Investment Group
a member of D.A. Davidson & Co., member SIPC.